If one were to work their way through world history, they would learn about the many forms of government and how they came to be. In the case of Rome, many historians would note that there was a period when it was a republic and a period when it was an empire. When examined in detail, however, the Roman Republic fails to reflect a true republic. Although it had republican qualities, it was ultimately created to give common people a false sense of security and power in Roman government. The ancient city of Rome was never a true republic because its features do not emulate the definition of a republic or the republics of other ancient societies, and because of its partial political system. According to Scipio's definition of a republic, Rome was never a true republic not because of how it managed its affairs, but rather because of how it managed its people. Scipio's definition of a republic is found in The City of God, where Saint Augustus explains: “. . . if we accept the definition given by Scipio in Cicero's De Republica, there was never a Roman Republic; as he briefly defines the republic as the welfare of the people. And if this definition is true, a Roman Republic never existed because the well-being of the people was never achieved among the Romans. In fact, the people, according to his definition, is an assembly linked by a common recognition of rights and a community of interests. And he explains in detail what he means by common recognition of law, showing that a republic cannot be administered without justice. Therefore, where there is no true justice there can be no law. . . justice is that virtue that gives everyone what is due to them" (August XIX). This quote refers to Rome's contempt for the......middle of paper......ment of the United States of America today. Lobbyists hand out checks to political leaders to make what they want happen. And as much as American citizens don't want to notice it, their freedom and power in the country is diminishing every day. The tragic and titanic fall of Rome should be a warning to educated American citizens to try to change what the government is doing and what this country is headed toward, but it is a warning that has not been widely heeded. In the words of Joseph Anthony Wittreich, "History may not repeat itself but it rhymes..." If America continues in its silent ways, it may be headed for a fate similar to that of Rome and its short-lived flame may be snuffed out as rapidly as it was enlightened.Works CitedAugustine. The City of God. Np: np, 426 AD Stampa.Wittreich, Giuseppe Antonio. Milton feminist. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1987. Print.