Plato believed that everything had an ideal form, but Aristotle looked into the real world and studied it. Instead of inventing a system of government, Aristotle explored more practical aspects that you can realistically implement. Aristotle's main purpose was to "consider not only what form of government is best, but also what is possible and what is easily attainable." This means that he wanted everyone to be able to relate to and adapt to his form of power. He wanted people to serve his laws because if law were an order, it would create a good society. In the end he maintained a government similar to that of a democracy, where the middle class is strong. Aristotle pointed to natural domination as one of his greatest theories. Aristotle believed that people were born rulers or slaves. He wanted people to accept who they are and do what they were born to do. It was the only way he thought the world could work and not come with too many problems. In this way he believes that everyone is born with a color that tells you your position in the world. Your placement is not genetic and cannot be done in the file