Greeting, cruel and atrocious crimes are unfortunately committed by evil and unstable individuals who prey on innocent and vulnerable victims. Communities fall victim to panic and terror when high-priority news headlines are announced about a crazed serial killer wreaking havoc in their area. Johnson & Becker (1997) state that "members of society are fascinated and at the same time happy to hear and see the horrendous crimes and skills of serial killers." What exactly motivates these people to commit such horrendous acts of violence? Are they consciously aware of the harm they are doing or is it a desire to fulfill a certain fantasy? They are individuals who just want to feel the rush of power and enjoy the infliction of pain on innocent strangers. As a result, children are also at risk of becoming victims. Reasoning skills might be questioned, but most of the time the offender acts this way because he wants to commit such atrocities. Once a crime is committed and discovered, the task of investigating that crime now lies in the hands of the law. enforcement officials. Analyzing the crime scene and looking for clues and evidence that lead to the capture of the perpetrator is of utmost importance as it is necessary to take a murderer off the streets. Furthermore, the safety and well-being of society is also at risk and in danger. It is important to realize that serial killers have been known to strike again after their first attack. Could it be that the perpetrator wants to feel the same rush and intense feeling of killing and causing pain to a person? Law enforcement is held responsible for investigating and solving the crime in question. Likewise, the pressure from this…paper center…and their families to treat them as if they were some sort of celebrity is incorrect. These killers transform into the people they become due to factors that affect them both biologically, physically and mentally. Johnson & Becker (1997) mention that "the film, Natural Born Killers (Warner Bros., 1994), portrayed two individuals who were killers because their culture featured bad parents, abuse, and a lack of education." every time a crime is committed, especially serial ones. Communities must be aware of the threat to their safety and that of their loved ones. Unfortunately, this in turn can cause a state of panic. Serial killers with necrophilic tendencies are generally a little difficult for my society members to understand. The question remains: why do they commit such horrendous atrocities??