One set-up operator can occupy one place at a time and during waiting times, another loses a significant amount of production. They then set a goal to set the work sequence to obtain maximum yield by exploiting the plant's capacity. The third step takes into account the installation of planning panels. These cards list the standard methods for each procedure, the work sequence to reflect the order in which the process is performed, and the standard cycle time to complete a process. Furthermore, these committees not only provide information on the workers involved in the process, but also identify areas for process improvement. Furthermore, it works as the main statistic for workers as it helps them to have a better and clear understanding of the process for a flawless view of the further scope of improvements. In contrast, in another part of the same plant, they found several machines seeking attention at the same time. Automation isn't always automatic. Requires humanized automation (Jidoka). The machines read the attention signal via Andon light and require an operator to control the workflow consisting of a warning from each machine. Regardless of the operation of the machine