They carry out various operations such as packaging and delivering products to other retailers globally. They may impact the supply chain operations of other companies, including Walmart and Amazon. Li and Fung's expertise is in supply chain management and targeting companies whose supply chain management is not one of its core strengths. It is essential for store-based retail and online supply chains to partner with companies like Li and Fung, which helps improve the section of operations they specialize in. Such entities can be more efficient and sustainable in the market. The collaboration of companies that provide third-party logistics and third-party logistics will help the company improve its performance and cash flow. Third-party logistics and fourth-party logistics have a great impact on a store-based retail company like Walmart as they are more efficient in logistics and delivery to customers so that Walmart can focus on other aspects where is good and leave the logistics section to partners TPL and FPL. In an online supply chain, a company like Amazon can partner with a third-party or fourth-party logistics who are efficient in dealing with the damage of the delivered product and taking action against