COST SEGMENT INFRASTRUCTURE SECTIONThis component deals with the implementation of the business model. It deals with the inputs and resources that need to be used to deliver the value propositions to the customer in order to ensure customer satisfaction. This component consists of Key Activities, Key Resources and Key Partnerships. Key Activities Key activities are the activities at which a company must excel. These are the activities necessary for the business to function, in other words, to generate sales and earn revenue. . The activities identified in this segment will constitute the most important actions carried out by the company. Activities can generally be grouped into three types of activities, namely: • Manufacturing: Design, production and supply in proportion to value • Problem solving: Appropriate solutions to solve customer problems. • Platform or network activities: Developing, managing and maintaining a business. Key activities will be established by looking back at the canvas and asking: What key activities do our value propositions require? What key activities do our channels require? Key resourcesThese they are the essential resources needed to build the business and shape the business components. Key resources can be physical, intellectual, human and/or financial and can be owned, leased or acquired by key partners (Osterwalder & Pigneur 2010). The assets, skills, people, information, and other assets identified in this segment enable a company to create and deliver value proportions, reach markets, and maintain relationships with customer segments in order to earn revenue (Ellis 2013) . Key resources can be financial, physical, intellectual (brand patents, copyrights, data etc.) or human (Osterwalder & P...... center of paper the basic recipe for the example product, cauliflower rice. What will the product be? The product will be a finely grated mixture of blanched cauliflower and finely chopped blanched onions. This product will be sent through the necessary preparation techniques, freeze-dried and packaged in the appropriate packaging. It will be kept frozen until the customer wants to prepare it cauli-rice for consumption. The customer will have the convenience of removing the already chopped cauli-rice mixture from the freezer, adding it to the heated butter or oil. coconut and steam it for 7 minutes, before serving. This will reduce the preparation time of the cauliflower from 10min to 3min with a total saving of 7min Homemade “cauli rice” must be washed and chopped before preparing it, the frozen pre-cooked version will save even more time.