Introduction Due to the lack of organization on the part of healthcare providers in Canada, waiting times are too long and can cause serious complications to any condition the patient is referred for initially . This situation on how the healthcare system can solve waiting times has been brought to the government, but they continue to ignore the proposals presented to them. It is possible to solve the waiting time problem without extreme changes and costs in the healthcare system. The solution must be found in the reorganization of healthcare workers. Lack of care in the emergency room can worsen the disease, therefore, forces the patient to wait in the emergency room for a long period of time and when he is finally visited by a healthcare professional, the outcome is very poor due to the lack of registered staff , doctors and adequate assessment (Goldman & Macpherson, 2005, p.40). The objective of this article is to discuss and critically analyze the conditions of emergency waiting rooms. The specific issue this article aims to explore concerns extended and prolonged waiting times for patients accessing healthcare, patients requiring urgent care, and the vulnerability of elderly patients and children. With an in-depth critique of barriers to healthcare and shortcomings of emergency rooms, strategies will be provided to improve a healthcare system that makes it more accessible and efficient. The ProblemThere has been a shortage of doctors, a lack of inpatient beds, problems with outpatient services, as well as a lack of adequate methods to manage the excess of patients, all in the last 10 years (Cummings & Francescutti, 2006, p. 101). The area of concern that was worst... middle of the paper... wait times and the doctor shortage problem. Becoming aware of the reasons why our doctors leave Canada will be the stepping stone to creating/matching the attractive offers that steal them from us. The shortage of our doctors and long waiting times in the emergency room are closely linked. The government must look at all the proposals that have been mentioned to solve these problems. There are all kinds of advanced healthcare providers who can help with this problem by helping in emergency rooms and taking the burden off overworked doctors. If we organized our healthcare workers in a new way, waiting times in our emergency rooms could be significantly reduced. The public should take control of their health by not tolerating the current state of affairs. Their health is put at risk by long waiting times and a lack of healthcare workers.