Final DocumentEdward Snowden was an American computer specialist who worked for the CIA and as a contractor for the NSA. He leaked classified files to several media sources, which were evidence that the NSA was collecting data from the phone calls and Internet activities of most Americans. Snowden thought that by revealing these secret government activities Americans would realize that their privacy was being violated and that they had to do something about it. President Obama has insisted that the government is not invading privacy but is only looking for potential terrorist activity that can be thwarted by preventative measures. Even after this statement by the President, there are those who speculate that the government is "poking its nose" into their lives and monitoring their Internet activity. While there's this paranoia that the government is "watching," this could actually make people more aware of what they do on their computers and cause them to practice safer Internet browsing techniques. The legal justification for collecting this data is Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act, which authorizes the government to collect domestic telephone records. Section 215 broadened the scope of what could be collected and lowered the standards required to do so. The information that can be specifically collected by telephone companies is the number and duration of calls made, but not what the content of the calls is. There was also an amendment to this section requiring law enforcement to have "reasonable suspicion" of terrorist activity before requesting data. The Attorney General authorizes the investigation on three levels: "assessment, preliminary investigation, and full investigation. For a preliminary investigation ... half of the document ... t once such searches have been confirmed Confirmation of these NSA searches on Americans' communications also added to the difficulty of President Barack Obama's initial defense of the extensive surveillance that occurred in 2013. He was reassured by the Justice Department that any searches conducted under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA,. the data will be used in accordance with the guidelines and procedures and does not provide a way to circumvent the requirement of a court order before targeting any US citizen under FISA part of the NSA is actually proven by section 702. This gives permission for the collection of communications without an individual warrant for each case, as long as there is a reasonable belief that the communications. I'm both foreign and in another country.