Topic > China's foreign policy and oil policy - 1422

Economic, industrial and investment growth has always created urban growth but also an increase in demand for oil as the main driving force for development, because oil is a limited resource with several distinctive energy traits, because of its energy creating properties has caused global competition for oil resources, there are other energy sources but oil is the most efficient and generates the most energy. To gain access and control of oil resources, some countries resort to realistic approaches such as the launch and US military presence in the Middle East during the Iraq War. East Asian countries also competed intensely with realistic approaches for Russia's eastern oil pipelines. The world's major oil production centers are experiencing “political turmoil and social unrest” (Oil Security Reshapes China's Foreign Policy), which have become fertile ground for non-state actors, who use terrorist attacks to spread their messages. As these terrorists are expanding outside their core area and targeting oil reserves, the importance of oil cannot be overlooked, especially in highly dependent countries like China. The issue of the threat to global energy security has attracted global attention. Over the past decade China has experienced one of the fastest industrial developments in history, with claims of wanting to build several cities the size of New York across the country, China plans to connect the entire country through the railway system to unify and bring the industry to the country as a whole. China's biggest growth is in the transportation sector and textiles, and for growth to be sustained, China relies heavily on the important oil. Even if China relies heavily on external imports, which... middle of paper... then China would invest more, it is a balance because the African government receives investment and China cannot be blamed for faulty equipment. In summary, China could maintain its approach and continue importing oil from Africa if it updated its terms for both sides. China has effective policies in some areas like Brazil but less effective terms in contracts with Africa, even China. it needs to demonstrate its ability as a realist state by demonstrating that it is willing to protect its interests even in times of political dismay. Since there are chances that oil may be located in areas populated by people, this creates a situation where oil policy and foreign policy are at the border of each other. China generally maintains an “interactive” approach to local affairs, but if the local affair jeopardizes the national interest, then China must adopt a “hands-on” approach”.