Topic > Stereotypes in the Simpsons: examples of tragedy in...

“The Simpson's” tells the satirical adventures of a working-class family in the city of Springfield. "The Simpsons" is an example of an American sitcom. A sitcom is a situation comedy, which is when the same setting and characters appear in every episode. Sitcoms emerged in the 1950s in America showing the "ideal" family. Slowly sitcoms started to spread. they show the reality of life and deal with social issues such as divorce and unemployment became very popular because people could identify with the program, as they show problems that happen in everyday life. In this essay I will analyze "The Simpsons" and demonstrate how it follows the conventions of the sitcom genre. The opening sequence of "The Simpsons" introduces us to the main characters. One of the main devices used in this show is stereotypes. In the opening sequence, Homer is shown at work. This is the stereotypical role of a father who is shown doing the shopping and taking care of little Marge fits the stereotypical role of a mother in the sense that she is a housewife and takes care of the children, Marge sometimes goes against her stereotype because he takes on the role of authoritarian figure in the family, which is usually filled by a man. Bart is shown in detention in the opening sequence. Bart doesn't fit the stereotypical role of a child. He should be a good schoolboy but he is naughty and mischievous. On the other hand, Lisa is shown as smart and intelligent, but in the program she sometimes outsmarts her parents. Maggie is shown as a normal baby sucking on a pacifier. He fits the stereotypical role of a child. In the opening credits, authority figures such as the police are mocked by being shown as lazy. This stereotype... middle of paper... an animation you can do anything with. The characters can do wild stunts, which real-life actors can't. With animation you can get away with anything. “The Simpsons” makes a lot of crude jokes about people and makes fun of people and cultures. They get away with it because it's a cartoon. If "The Simpsons" were a real-life show it would probably get shut down because people would get offended. “The Simpsons” is a very successful show and has been on the air for a very long time. Many people have different opinions about "The Simpsons": some think it is rude and stupid, others think it is funny and realistic. I think "The Simpsons" shows the reality of life in a light-hearted way. “The Simpsons” is a sitcom because it has the same family, the same characters and the same setting in every episode. He conforms to stereotypes in a way that has comedic value.