The United States was a country founded on the basis of freedom. Imagine living in a country where the First Amendment did not exist. Where there was no freedom of speech or press, where censorship reigned with a king. This picture is that of France throughout the 19th century. During this era, Honoré Daumier was a renowned political and social cartoonist. The king and his police persecuted the lithographer Daumier, among numerous other French artists, for his political activism, including prison and heavy fines. Honoré Daumier was a master of political and social criticism. Looking at an overview of his comments there are strong parallels that can be drawn with current American politics. Daumier uses a range of stylistic choices to promote multidimensional criticism that contains various overt and more subtle satires, meanings, and messages. By learning and referencing Daumier, I created a political cartoon that mimics his style. Honoré Daumier (1808-79) was an artist of the people for the people. Daumier grew up in a lower-middle-class family...