I will be extremely confident, renewed and encouraged with a new determination to succeed, to achieve, with a growing belief in myself. I appreciate helping others with the opportunity I have been given. I hope to be able to repay others in the same way, giving them the same spark of light that was given to me and giving it back to those who need it. My life's journey is comparable to that of others in need and has not been a fairy tale, but there can be a “happily ever after” for all veterans in need. I hope to achieve an amazing career in the field of engineering as this will definitely enable me to achieve my goals, discover my hidden abilities and comfort others in need. So, with the assistance of the right people, the right mindset, determination, enough persistence and a little hard work, it will all pay off. Earning my engineering degree will not only be one of the greatest accomplishments of my life, but will also serve as a badge of honor. Learning to do this wasn't painless for me, but my persistence paid off in the end. Not only did I learn to conquer my fear, but I also learned something about myself. Now, when I'm faced with a new situation, I'm not as nervous. I may feel uncomfortable at first, but I understand that as I practice in that situation and as my skills improve, I will feel very comfortable. It's a wonderful feeling when you achieve a goal you set for yourself