Topic > The research on school policies and its connection with the...

The article reviewed constitutes a complement to the research on school policies and its connection with the juvenile court, and on how the path was organized by school to the created prison. The research article is “Education or Incarceration: Zero Tolerance Policies and the School-to-Prison Path.” The topic focuses on the burgeoning trend in public schools across America that criminalizes minor student disciplinary issues as part of emerging "zero tolerance" discipline policies and the factors that arise from them. This article stands out from others by highlighting the influence of the media on today's youth and adults. The media's influence on youth and adults highlights violence and stereotypes and provides insight into why mass incarceration is occurring so consistently. Throughout the article it is evident that the effects of zero tolerance policies are negative. People continue to question the use because no impact on school safety has been found from the use of these disciplinary guidelines. From this research and other similar research, many authors have concluded this ...