Filmmakers often take timeless literary works and make them more relatable to modern audiences. Creating a good adaptation is very difficult, the new product must be different from the original to make it recognisable, but still be similar enough to be recognized as the first edition. Due to the changing times, many of Shakespeare's works have been adapted into films. One of Shakespeare's most adapted plays is Macbeth. This classic sets a high standard to live up to, however the film Scotland, PA comes very close. This adaptation takes the plot of Macbeth and makes the setting more recognizable in the 1970s of the first ever fast food restaurant. Scotland, PA is a good adaptation of Macbeth because it is different enough from the play to make it more relatable, while retaining important details to keep the story true to the book. The film Scotland, PA is an excellent adaptation of Shakespeare's masterpiece Macbeth because it makes the play more relatable to more modern times. The director took the plot of the play, but placed it in the 70s, being much more recognizable....