Topic > The role of the physiotherapist as a model of global care

According to Zweigenthal et al. (2009:238), rehabilitation is the type of care provided to patients with long-term complications in which healthcare professionals improve human functioning or assist patients whose daily activities are limited due to their physical or mental impairment. It is common to think that rehabilitation only focuses on the physical well-being of the patient, but the other main aspect of rehabilitation is helping the patient adapt to their environment with their health problems. When I decided that physical therapy would be my choice of study, I wanted to experience with my patients a long-term relationship that the rehabilitation professions could offer. Physiotherapy is a truly rewarding profession, as you share the patient's journey to recovery through numerous follow-up sessions. In the future I fear that I may have difficulty drawing that professional line and will constantly remind myself not to get too comfortable with my patients. I don't think it will be too much of a worry once I become a practicing physiotherapist as Mrs X reported having a similar fear in her first year. Mrs..