Topic > Why Engineering Was So Important During World War II

Ever since people stopped living as nomads, humanity has faced the constant need to build shelters and other structures. In the essay it is revealed why engineering has been an important part of our life. However, that doesn't mean it was always used with good intentions. As war spread across the world, engineering was gradually incorporated into fakes, battlefields, and even battlefields. Ironically, the science of construction and civil progress has turned into a destructive force. This article will attempt to analyze the impact of engineering on the battlefield during World War II. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on "Why Violent Video Games Shouldn't Be Banned"? Get an original essay The Birth of Military Engineering. Human beings, ancient and modern, are driven by their lust for power. The Romans were the first to exploit the idea of ​​the polymerization of engineering and the art of war. Their military tactics were supreme compared to those of any other nation. This allowed them to expand their empire and never be threatened by any other army. However, as eras swapped places and civilizations evolved, so did military engineering. Each century was accompanied by innovations and improvements of old techniques or weapons. However, nothing had prepared the world for what would happen in the twentieth century. The subdisciplines of military engineering. After the impact that military engineering had in World War I, almost every army had separate battalions made up of engineers. There were three types of engineering battalions. The first to appear were military engineers. Their main goal was to increase mobility on the battlefield. Cities like Freiburg were destroyed only to provide the army with convenient areas filled with trenches and camouflage zones to control gun positions. Schools and hospitals were transformed into depots for ammunition, medical supplies and food. Fields full of crops, such as "The Black Forest" in Baden-Württemberg, were completely obliterated and transformed into hot spots filled with mines and iron spikes to slow enemy forces. The second edition for military engineering departments served as strategic support. Their priority was the maintenance of communication points and transportation facilities. Many airfields and piers were built, especially while under fire. The construction of Mulberry Harbor required two months of underwater demolition of obstacles to ensure safe docking for all vessels. This also had a negative impact on the environment as many animals went to near extinction while others, such as the Wake Island Rail, were completely extinct. The third type of military engineering was auxiliary support. They mainly focused on map-making and mine clearance. Seeing how many soldiers were falling victim to mines placed on the battlefields, these engineers came up with a disturbing solution. They trained dogs to locate mines on the battlefield, resulting in many casualties. Most of the dogs would have died in an instant from the explosions and the injured ones would have been euthanized. Now let's think about the new weapons. World War II is quite well known for the introduction of heavy and light machine guns that provided constant fire at the expense of accuracy. They would have so much damage that, if used in battle, the mortality rate of soldiers would be almost double that of walking through a minefield. Fragmentation grenades were also.