Problem identification and definition. My work environment was once a pleasant place to be. All the employees got along well and worked very well together. We were a team and we liked to help each other when someone was in need. It was like clockwork. We went to work wanting to be there doing our jobs because we all knew we would have fun during the day while we worked. Then a new manager joined the team. It wasn't expected, we knew our store needed help but the employees weren't sure when we would have a new supervisor. The first day was like any first day. Meet the employees, learn names and a little about each person. After observing my new supervisor for a couple of hours, I felt like he was in a hurry to finish his first day on the job and leave. He didn't seem at all interested in the people he would be working with for more than eight hours a day. I pushed away my thoughts and felt that it was too early to judge the situation. Well, I was wrong to push my feelings away, because I was right to think there was something wrong with this man. During his training he didn't want anyone below his position to help him. If he had problems with the computer he should go to the general manager or another supervisor even though the employees probably know computers as well as the managers because we use them all day. He would search for something in a dry warehouse for thirty minutes before asking an employee for it. I personally thought it was unusual to not ask for help unless it was about management. It seems to me that he would have felt less superior if he had to ask one of his employees for help. At that point I knew that working with this particular supervisor was not going to be pleasant. As time went by, the situations got worse and worse. He shouted the most ridiculous things at us employees. Showing up to work without my name tag would mean he would send me home.