Parallel ProcessingParallel processing is similar to multiprocessing because it contains more than one processor within a machine. While similar to multiprocessing, it is not the same thing, parallel processing shares the process the program wants to complete between each processor so that each processor completes somewhat simultaneously with each other. Parallel processing is more popular than multiprocessing among programmers because it is easier to set up than multiprocessing and is much faster. Pipelining Pipelining refers to how the microprocessors within the processor order the tasks that have been processed. To imagine this process, image and assembly line of a Computer, you must first create the motherboard. Once created, it leaves that machine and goes to another which adds it to the case, but once the motherboard leaves the machine and makes it, it leaves the machine to complete its next task. Pipelining does not negatively affect the speed of the processor, it simply creates a series of tasks for the processor to complete, but if one task takes longer than others it may slow down the process. This could happen where users could experience the benefits of having multi-core processors with programs that can be threaded. Bus A bus is a communications device used to transfer data to and from different computer components or computers. There are 3 types of buses; these are the data bus, the address bus and the control bus. The buses must have the data and the address they want to send to. The control bus is not used in some procedures. Below you can see a list of commands used by the control bus. Memory Write: Causes data on the data bus to be written to the addressed location. Reading memory: causes... half of the paper......n the processor can take the result from the processor. The reason the processor would do this is because it is much faster than recalculating the data. This speeds up the process so he can start working on another task. Main memory (RAM, random access memory) contains instructions for the processor from currently active programs. How do data and instructions get from an input device to memory? The control panel sends them. When instructions are needed, the control unit sends these elements from memory to the processor, where an arithmetic or logical operation is performed. After being processed, the information is sent back into memory, where it is stored until it is ready to be sent to an output. The reason why memory is so important is that it allows very quick access to instructions and data, regardless of the location of the elements within it.