Topic > The topic that will be covered will be the juvenile justice system, as it typically functions in the thousands of American jurisdictions. The juvenile justice system is defined as that “socio-legal process that has responsibility and authority for the public response to current juvenile delinquency and for the deterrence of future juvenile delinquency, including within that process public and private agents, agencies, laws, rules and policies dealing with juvenile delinquency" (Weiner, 1987, p.12). This article will discuss the history of the juvenile system, the need for the juvenile system, the functions of the juvenile court , of parents in court, and the programs that worked, along with those that didn't. Why the first formal juvenile court was so labeled July 1, 1899, which would make the juvenile justice system nearly a century old The origins of the various components of the JJS go back much further. The notion of separate treatment for children under criminal law dates back to very early English law. Children under seven were legally incapable of committing a crime, and children between seven and fourteen were presumed incapable, this concept being based on the child's inability to have a guilty mind, or mens rea. So, almost from the beginning, children have been treated differently than adults who commit the same acts. The origin of ju...