Topic > The robbed man who smiles steals something from the thief;...

1928. A scientist conducting research on bacterial growth is crestfallen to discover that some of his samples have been contaminated with fungi, no doubt due to poor hygiene. He immediately threw the samples away hoping to prevent the contaminant from spreading to his other samples. When he tried to use the lab clothes after cleaning them, he found that he was unable to grow any bacterial samples in them. The scientist, Alexander Fleming, had just discovered and destroyed the world's first antibiotic, penicillin. When he was disposing of the moldy samples, he had no idea what he was doing. When he learned what he had done, he was very distressed. Fortunately, he was able to recover enough of the disposed samples to grow more penicillin, without which none of us would likely be here today. In the United States there is a regulatory body called the FCC. The agency is under constant pressure to advance the corrupt interests of large corporations. One of the FCC's most recent actions threatens to undermine the Internet as we know it. In short, ...