Topic > Illegal distribution of copyrighted material must...

There is a growing problem on the Internet with people infringing the intellectual property rights of their rightful owners. The copying of such goods dates back a long time, starting in the 1500s, and has continued to this day. Many people don't care about the rules on the Internet, they do what they want, or they just don't care. There are numerous solutions to this problem; some of them involve increased Internet monitoring. Illegal downloading and distribution of copyrighted material on the Internet should be more closely monitored and punished by the government, ensuring that the intellectual property rights of their owners are not infringed. There is a long history of intellectual property rights, as was “Johannes Gutenberg's printing press, developed around 1450, which made books quickly available at a reasonable cost,” caused writers to begin to worry that their books were distributed without their permission, and therefore would not have made profits from the usual sales (Cushman). Fast forward a few years to the end of the 20th century, when “a two-part invention, the computer and the Internet, had a similar impact as the printing press,” allowing people to simply copy and share files, as on the Internet all forms of media are composed of binary code, ensuring that all electronic devices can read them (Cushman). To help protect these copyrights, the World Intellectual Property Organization was created in 1967 by NATO to replace the United International Offices for the Protection of Intellectual Property, an agency created to observe the Berne Convention, a international agreement for the recognition of patents. The problem of intellectual property theft on the trainee...... middle of the paper ...... itic economics of intellectual property." Researcher of SIRS Issues. Np, January 2003. Web. 19 February 2014. cgi- bin / HST-ARTICLE-SPLAY? ID = SMN0129-0-1703 & Artno = 0000166503 & Type = Art & Shfilter = U & Key = Intellectual%20property%20ights & Title = The%20Political%20 Economy%20OF%20TE 20TEPLATUA & ic = n> .Recording Industry Association of America. “Scope of the Problem.” RIAA, March 5, 2014. Physicalpiracy.php?content_selector=piracy-online-scope-of-the-problem> “The Impact of the Internet on Intellectual Property Law.” World Intellectual Property Organization, nd Web. 3 March. 2014..