In a country of free will, the United States contains a wide variety of personalities and behaviors. Many people, probably more than we know, engage in abnormal behaviors. Abnormal behavior consists of patterns of emotions, thoughts, and actions that are considered pathological. Historically, people blamed witchcraft for this type of eccentric behavior and tended to perform exorcisms in hopes of abolishing such actions. Anxiety disorders and personality disorders, two forms of abnormal behavior, can alter a person's personality as a result of life experiences. Anxiety disorder is a type of abnormal behavior characterized by unrealistic and irrational fear. These types of disorders are diagnosed twice as often in women than in men. Although these disorders can be very chronic and serious, they are easily treatable. Generalized anxiety disorder occurs when people experience fear and worry that are not focused on a specific aspect; however, they suffer a lot from headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations and insomnia. Obsessive-compulsive disorder, better known as OCD, involves persistent, unwanted obsessions and irresistible urges to perform compulsions to relieve anxiety. Unlike other anxiety disorders, OCD consists more of anxiety and worry rather than fear itself. Many people who suffer from OCD are aware that there is no reason behind their actions, yet their anxiety increases when they try to ignore the compulsions. People with such anxiety disorders often feel sensitive to the points of view of others and worry about their surroundings. Personality disorders are inflexible and maladaptive personality traits that cause significant impairment in social and occupational functioning. Personality disorders can affect... the middle of the paper... like this. I was immediately overcome with anxiety, and that anxiety only got worse every time I looked in my drawer. I lasted two days before having to fix the unfolded underwear. Personally I find it extremely ridiculous that something so small could bother me so much; however, I cannot stop my senseless actions. The abnormal behavior that people experience helps shape the person into the person they are and follows them wherever they go. Anxiety disorders, such as phobias or obsessive compulsive disorder, can be easily overcome with practice; However, personality disorders are not so easy to eliminate. It is quite difficult to get rid of personality disorders due to the depth of sad emotions you experience, as well as your childhood history. Anxiety disorders are the lesser of all evils, however, they still maintain the ability to control someone's life.