There are three parts of our personality that make us unique and influence how we view the quality of our life: agreeableness, extraversion, and neuroticism (Floyd, 2011). Agreeableness is defined as how cooperative, skillful, and good-natured a person is. Studies have shown that the more agreeable a person is, the happier they are and the better they are able to manage their emotions and stress (Floyd, 2011). Extroverted people tend to look at the positive aspects of situations, they are also affable with new people they meet. This positivity and openness towards others and situations makes them, in general, be happier with their lives (Floyd, 2011). Each of us has a unique personality that plays an important role in how we view our life, to show how emotions and personality influence our outlook on life, I will compare and contrast my personality and the emotions I tend to feel the most often, with that of a friend I have who I am close to