"Should the federal minimum wage be raised?" US News Digital Weekly 5.18 (2013): 14. Premier academic research. Network. March 31, 2016. In this article, James Dorn and David Cooper discuss whether raising the federal minimum wage will help or hurt low-wage workers. James Dorn, vice president of academic affairs at the Cato Institute, argues that raising the federal minimum wage would hurt low-wage workers by reducing job opportunities and raising prices. Dorn also says the federal minimum wage is responsible for high unemployment among teenagers and minorities and lower productivity among low-wage workers. David Cooper, an analyst at the Economic Policy Institute, argues that the federal minimum wage is not a living wage and that raising the minimum wage does not have a significant effect on employment. Cooper also states that eighty percent of low-wage workers are at least twenty years old and that eighty-five percent of small businesses already pay their workers more than the minimum