The vast majority of Johnson's readers have only experienced Katrina through the news, so it's difficult for an author to help us experience what the disaster was like in a way that feels authentic. One way Johnson does this is by introducing objects that are familiar to us and then using them in unexpected ways. For example, he describes Nonc, the UPS driver, as “a guy who lately has been improvising toilet paper out of first aid tablets, a miniature New Testament, and Chuck E's pizza crust.” (42). The humor in this passage helps to detract from the depravity of the image, helping the reader understand the sadness of the situation without being too mortified to move on. Johnson takes objects that are inherently funny, as well as the humorous concept of toilet paper, and combines them in a deeply sad way. This disorienting blending of light and dark is a hallmark of Adam Johnson's writing and ensures the reader keeps his head spinning