This first half I dated Melanie Diaz and strayed from the path God had planned for me. At this point in my life I no longer wanted to be a pastor. For me this lifestyle was not attractive. I told God I would do anything except be a pastor. After breaking up with her, I quickly aligned myself with God again. January of 2012 God gave me a vision. This year I was going on two mission trips. (The first was with my parents in Nicaragua and the second was with other high school students in Costa Rica.) In my dream my parents were in the back of an old truck going through a dirt road in Nicaragua. Several skeletons were hanging in the truck, but in the dream this did not bother us. We go down to a cemetery and walk towards a place that was not revealed to me. During my journey I am flooded with the image of a sheep and a loud, audible voice tells me "Guide them!". In a panic wake up and tell God no. Because I had made a deal with him before. I'll do whatever he wants, but I won't be a pastor. After the dream I knew I had no choice but to follow