This theory also features the theory of cognitive evolution and self-concordance. The third is goal setting theory, where goals that have feedback lead to higher performance, challenging goals help us focus, difficult goals give us energy. Three factors influence goals, commitment, national culture and task characteristics. The fourth theory is Management by Objectives which deals with specific objectives, participation in decision making, time period, performance feedback. The fifth theory is self-efficacy theory (social cognitive theory), this is the belief a person has in themselves to perform tasks. The four ways you can increase self-efficacy are active mastery, vicarious modeling, verbal persuasion, and arousal. The sixth theory is reinforcement theory, which states that behavior is a function of its consequences and is caused by the environment. It focuses on when a person acts and ignores his internal state. The reinforcement will strengthen the behavior, so the same behavior will be repeated. The seventh theory is behaviorism, it claims that behavior follows stimuli. The eighth theory is the social learning theory which states that we can learn from observation and direct experience. The processes are the attention process, the retention process, the motor reproduction process, the reinforcement process. The ninth theory is equity/organizational theory.