The Great Tonle Sap Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. Although it has been affected by the surrounding population and hydropower problems, there have been many projects to save this rich natural resource. The lake is the heartland of Cambodians and provides more than half of the national inland fish production with over one million people. relying directly on it for their livelihood. It is located in the northwestern part of Cambodia, about 15 kilometers south of the city of Siem Reap. Since 1997 it has been listed by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve, a world heritage site. The Great Tonle Sap Lake has been significantly polluted by the activities of surrounding people. Firstly, the daily waste of families, even toilets from houseboats, are disposed of in the lake. These bad habits have transformed the lake water from clear to dirty, also affecting the ecological system within it. As a result, fish production decreased from 444,500 tonnes in 2001 to 389,800 tonnes in 2003 (Srun Lim Song, Lieng Sopha, Ing Try & Heng Sotharith). But it's not just contamination that creates...