We are based in Brgy. 471 Dapitan St corner Antonio with a total population of 1,016. And since we are located near a school we added the total population of the UST. UST's student population is increasing throughout the year 2010 through 2012 based on data collected by the Urbanist lab. There is a new education program called K-12. As UST caters to this type of curriculum, the university's student population decreases. The incoming freshmen for the year 2016 would be transferred to the high school while the incoming freshmen and sophomores for the year 2017 would be transferred to the high school department as they will have to study for another 2 years. 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2015 are the only available data for the UST student population that we have collected. To obtain the population for 2013 and 2014 we used the formula 2013 (2015-year2012/3+year2012), 2014 (2015-2013/3+year2013) to obtain the answer 43.154.1111 for the year 2013 and 43951.2222. To project demand for the years 2017, 2018 and 2019 we used the moving average