The purpose of this study is to provide a literature review on the gender gap in higher education and gender differences in cooperation and competitiveness. Currently, women participate equally or more than men in all levels of education, including higher education. However, the literature reports that women still face bias and barriers in specific fields of science and mathematics (Wood, 2009). They use Mini Research Project (MRP) and Device Experiments (DE), these two strategies to create a questionnaire. Participation in the MRP was voluntary and they could choose who they wanted to work with and organize themselves into groups of 2 students. The 12 students (7 males and 5 females) who managed to complete the MRP were organized into 3 mixed gender groups, 1 female-only group and 2 male-only groups. The DEs were small scientific demonstrations given by a laboratory technician to small groups of 4 students. Participation in the DE was voluntary, but students were previously selected and invited to participate based on their grades. Gender balance was taken into account when arranging the groups, resulting in an all-male group, an all-female group and a mixed-gender group (2 males and 2 females). The result of this study is that female students are more cooperative than their male counterparts and that male students are more competitive