Topic > Orphans and vulnerable children: the concept of orphans…

It is unclear how long the term “orphans and vulnerable children” has been in use. The use of this term is strongly associated with the United States government's immense effort to combat HIV/AIDS introduced through the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) IN 2003. Among its successes, PEPFAR has been instrumental in supporting HIV treatment, prevention, care and support for orphans and vulnerable children. According to PEPFAR's first annual report, children under the age of 18 who have lost their mother or father are defined as orphans, while vulnerable children are those affected by HIV due to the illness of a parent or caregiver. care for them. The World Bank's OVC Toolkit is a comprehensive tool that defines fundamental concepts such as “child”, “orphan”, “vulnerability” and also the downward spiral of child vulnerability. These frameworks and definitions are important, they trace the sources and impacts of the various vulnerabilities experienced by children orphaned and made vulnerable by AIDS – this helps to operationalize the challenge and the population of children in