Beghetto edited a collection of an essay sharing ideas about creative approaches to improving our schools in the book Nurturing Creativity in The Classroom. In one of the essays entitled Developing Creative Productivity in Young People Through the Pursuit of Ideal Acts of Learning by Joseph S. Renzulli and Catharina F. De Wet they explain how with the current education system students have very few opportunities to experience the world that surrounds them surrounds, and without this possibility of seeing the world as a whole through the lens of their own interest they may never find their “calling”. Many schools attempt to create programs that meet this need for real-world experiences, an example of a program that focuses directly on student interest is enrichment clusters. Essentially in these enrichment groups, students from different classes who share similar interests come together once a week and work to produce a product or service that solves a real-world problem. Now, even with this, students may not feel motivated to actually have this experience and benefit from it because the product may not be exposed to a higher status audience. If a student knew that someone he idealized would come to see his creation, he would pay more attention to him. detail during finalization