Topic > Lily's Second Winter - 887

There is no doubt that it was summer. The scorching sun was shining. Vibrant flowers danced below. The sweet scent of summer filled the air. The leaves were abundant and juicy and delicious. Lily had spent her countless days enjoying herself; lying in the sun, eating, brushing his fur and, his favorite, sleeping. Meanwhile, he watched the raccoon work so hard to prepare for winter. She made sure she had plenty of time and would get ready later. “Soon the sun will vanish,” he thought to himself, “why waste precious hours, I would rather catch the sun before it sets.” And so he did. “Besides, I can use that nice cave too,” he thought of the cave he had used the year before. He remembered it almost as if it were yesterday. It was pleasantly welcoming and warm. Weeks passed without he was really considering his immediate future. A few weeks later, Lily awoke from her bed (with a clear conscience), high up in the eucalyptus trees. The wind whistled loud and clear. The sun had begun to fade the leaves, once plentiful, were now diminishing. Soon the leaves would fall. Lily now realized that autumn would come soon. The small, cozy cave on the hillside, which she dreamed of, had been taken. He decided he would find one in the next few days. Those days came in the blink of an eye. She was sure she still had time and decided I will definitely do it tomorrow. Soon the winter calls came and winter indeed crept in. It was cold. He couldn't find food. He reflected on how quickly the summer had passed. Before he could get a reasonable idea, he did! disturbed by her two main s......middle of desperation and pity for her. He gave her an unfavorable job, his housekeeper. Would be responsible for cleaning and cooking. They made a deal: "If you survive and do as I say, then you can eat the scraps from my table. Feeling pleased, Lily smiled and hummed softly, hoping Thumper wouldn't hear. If he had heard, she wouldn't have." I didn't know what was going to happen. He swept the loose earth from his house, until all of them were no longer visible. She worked hard, but the next morning Thumper was pleased with her and decided that she could sleep on the floor of her living room near the door, until the cold went away. Lily will survive the winter She will continuously know how to prepare at the right time. To show her gratitude to the rabbit, she promised to visit him from time to time. Lily stopped by, brought a treat or a gift.