Enterprise Resource Planning Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems integrate (or attempt to integrate) all of an organization's data and processes into a unified system Definitions Rosemann (1999) described the system ERP as packaged (but customizable) software applications, which manage data from various organizational activities and provide a fully integrated solution to major organizational data management problems. They provide both core administrative functions, such as human resources management and accounting, as well as integrated modules that can be selected to support key business processes, such as warehousing, manufacturing and customer management. O'Leary defined ERP system as "computer-based systems designed to process an organization's transactions and facilitate integrated, real-time planning, production, and customer response. ERP systems integrate most part of business processes. ERP systems process the majority of an organization's transactions. ERP systems use an enterprise-wide database that typically stores each piece of data once. ERP systems allow access to data in real time. In some cases, ERP allows integration of transaction processing and planning activities (e.g., production planning). support for multiple currencies and languages (critical for multinational companies); support for specific industries (e.g., SAP supports a wide range of industries, including oil and gas, healthcare, chemicals, and banking); ability to customize without programming (e.g., setting switches). W...... half of the paper...... the product works before they reach profits No scope verificationControversial relationships between the customer and the implementation partner stop at whether the customer believes that the implemented ERP solution does not meet your business needs depending on the scope documented and the end users are not able to perform all these tasks implemented within the legacy systems without difficulty References For "Geneva" SAP R/3 Implementation at Geneva Pharmaceuticals For “Nestle USA” Case study ERP Implementation at Nestlé by Derek S. Dieringer http://www.uwosh.edu/faculty_staff /wresch/ERPNestle.htmFor “Hemas Holdings PLC Sri Lanka”http://www-01.ibm .com/software/success/cssdb.nsf/cs/STRD-7CMFS6?OpenDocument&Site=gicss67trav&cty=en_usFor more datahttp://www .erpwire.com/erp-articles/criteria-for-erp-implementation.htm