"The only thing necessary for evil to persist is for enough good people to do nothing." (Peter Benenson). Those words reflect the reality of our world from caveman times to the present day. If those words had been heeded, Germany would not have advanced beyond the Rhineland to provoke World War II. If those words were followed, people in places like Burma or North Korea would have the right to express their opinions. If only all humans followed this simple phrase, our world would be a more beautiful, peaceful, and joyful place for everyone. However, it's never too late to change the way people hear those words. Amnesty International, a non-governmental organization founded in 1961, aims to stop the persistence of evil by helping all citizens of the world achieve internationally recognized human rights such as freedom of speech, humane treatment of prisoners, the right to education, and also produce a global report every year to inform the world about human rights issues in each country. The “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” is a charter of human rights that Amnesty International focuses on. The articles of the declarations establish the rights that every human being in the world should have. An important article, freedom of expression, allows every citizen to speak without censorship and/or limitation. It is a fundamental human right that every citizen of the world should have, but many do not. In countries like Burma and North Korea, citizens were beaten or imprisoned when something negative was said about the government. Even in developed countries, workers are not allowed to complain about their poor working conditions. To raise awareness and help people about these situations, Amnesty Internati... at the center of the document... imminent danger of torture or even death. By supporting Amnesty International this would promote a sense of global unity and give hopeless people a light of hope. In conclusion, Amnesty International has not only helped many gain basic human rights such as freedom of speech, humane treatment of prisoners, and the right to education, but they have also helped bring human rights issues to the world. The human rights we take for granted are the lifelong dream of many unfortunate people. We are fortunate to have organizations like Amnesty International doing everything in their power to assist those in need and spread their stories in the hope that more and more people will join the fight. The old Chinese proverb says: "Better to light a candle than curse the darkness", we should do the same for human rights, better to help a person than to feel sorry for him!