Topic > Essay on Gender Equality in the Workforce - 710

Gender equality in the workforce has gotten worse and I don't think it will get better anytime soon. Society's mindset needs to change and unfortunately we are intractable and stuck in our ways and don't like change. For some men the competition would be too much, seeing a woman do their job but a little better would undo them and I don't think the corporate world is ready for that yet. A woman who has the same qualifications as a man for the job should not be discriminated against because of her gender. Women work just as hard, if not harder, to achieve the title they aspire to. Women will still continue to fight and break the chains of labels created by society that bind them. Once I enter the workforce I will defy the odds and do something never done before by a woman. I want to be a role model for younger girls who pushes them to do everything they set their heart on, no matter what